IFC on Gulf Province Transport Route impact study

IFC on Gulf Province Transport Route impact study
Papua New Guinea government plans to have routes for transporting gas and oil from fields in Western and Gulf Provinces is on course. Preliminary front-end design and engineering (pre-Feed) phase are on schedule and due to be completed in three months’ time.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is searching for a consulting company that will be charged with conducting an impact study of the transport route in Gulf Province. International Finance Corporation is an international company with World Bank membership that offers advice on finances, asset management, and investment. The consulting firm contracted by IFC will conduct a feasibility study and systematic review on requirements for logistic investment in the province. The systematic review will analyze the needs and goals of all stakeholders in the development of the Gulf Province transport route. The review will also look at the impacts of the transport route to locals and neighboring provinces.
The review will help in identifying economic development opportunities to the region with its main focus on the agricultural sector. Economic opportunities in industrial and service industries will also be determined. The consultation firm will also identify social and environmental growth opportunities arising from the Gulf Transport Route development.
The technical feasibility study will look at the options on the mode of transport such as the sea, road and river means. Cargo transportation options will also be studied regarding non- refrigerated or refrigerated states. The firm is also required to come up with a business model for a Private- Public Partnership with the local government taking into account infrastructural requirements.
IFC has set the deadline to February 15th this year for interested consultation firms to apply for the tender. The tender is advertised under consultancy in engineering and roadways category. Consultation firms interested are required to be pre-qualified in carrying out such consultations. Interested companies can apply through the link below;
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